In the fast-paced digital age of today, the engineering landscape and expectations for engineers have undergone significant changes. The approach a company adopts towards engineering can greatly influence both the work experience of engineers and the value they create. After reading the insightful analysis of “How Big Tech Runs Tech Projects and the Curious Absence of Scrum” by Gergely Orosz on his Substack, The Pragmatic Engineer, I felt inspired to elaborate on a few points he highlighted about problem-solvers and factory workers. I will draw from my personal experiences, having worked in both types of environments over the years.

Traditional vs. Modern Companies

The expectations of engineers in traditional companies are often centered around completing assigned tasks, with a focus on adhering to established procedures and protocols. Engineers are given specific work items to complete, usually with explicit instructions and deadlines. These work items may involve maintaining existing systems, implementing well-defined features, or following a predetermined roadmap with little room for deviation. This task-oriented approach often stems from a hierarchical management structure and a risk-averse corporate culture that values stability and predictability.

In contrast, at modern companies, particularly those with a more progressive and innovative mindset, the focus is on solving problems that the business faces. Engineers are encouraged to think beyond their assigned tasks and consider the broader context of the organisation’s goals and objectives. They are expected to use their creativity, initiative, and expertise to find innovative solutions to various challenges, ranging from improving user experiences to optimising business processes and enhancing system performance. This problem-solving approach fosters a culture of continuous learning, experimentation, and growth, where engineers are motivated to seek out new opportunities for improvement and to tackle complex issues head-on.

This fundamental difference in expectations has a significant impact on the day-to-day life of any engineer. In traditional companies, engineers may feel constrained by the strict guidelines, rigid processes, and bureaucratic red tape that can hinder their ability to innovate and adapt to evolving market conditions. This can lead to frustration, lower job satisfaction, and a sense that their full potential is not being recognised or utilised within the organisation.

On the other hand, at modern companies, engineers can feel empowered and motivated to drive change, experiment with new ideas, and make a more significant impact on the business. They are given the autonomy to explore new technologies, collaborate with cross-functional teams, and take calculated risks in pursuit of innovative solutions. This sense of ownership and responsibility not only leads to greater job satisfaction and personal fulfillment but also results in a more dynamic and flexible organisation that is better equipped to stay ahead of the competition and adapt to changing market demands.

It is important for companies to recognise and embrace the value that a problem-solving approach can bring to their engineering teams. By fostering a culture of creativity, collaboration, and continuous improvement, they can tap into the full potential of their engineering talent and create an environment where innovation thrives. In doing so, they can not only enhance the day-to-day experience of their engineers but also drive greater value and success for their business as a whole.

The Problem-Solver vs. Factory Worker

The difference in expectations and company culture between traditional and modern organisations can lead to significant disparities in the productivity and impact of engineers. A motivated engineer who is encouraged to take ownership of their work and solve problems proactively is more likely to generate breakthrough ideas and drive the business forward. This stark contrast between a problem-solver and a “factory worker” mindset highlights the importance of fostering a work environment that supports creative problem-solving and innovation.

In traditional organisations with a factory worker attitude, engineers may feel restricted in their ability to explore new ideas and challenge the status quo. This can result in a workforce that simply follows orders and operates within the confines of established procedures, rather than striving for continuous improvement and growth. Such a mindset can limit the potential of individual engineers and hinder the overall progress of the organisation, as opportunities for innovation and value creation are missed.

Organisations that perpetuate a factory worker attitude often adopt more heavyweight project management approaches, such as Waterfall or other plan-driven methodologies. These approaches emphasise strict adherence to predetermined plans, milestones, and deliverables, leaving little room for interpretation or deviation. This rigidity is intended to maintain control and predictability, ensuring that engineers stay within the boundaries of their assigned tasks and complete them according to schedule.

However, this focus on control and predictability can have unintended consequences. While it may guarantee that work gets done on time and within budget, it can also stifle creativity and innovation among engineers. By limiting their ability to think critically and experiment with novel approaches, these organisations risk becoming stagnant and less adaptable to evolving market conditions. Moreover, this restrictive environment may fail to attract and retain top talent, as skilled engineers seek opportunities to work in more dynamic and empowering settings.

In contrast, modern organisations that prioritise problem-solving and embrace change are better positioned to adapt and thrive in today’s competitive landscape. By adopting more flexible project management methodologies, such as Extreme Programming or Plan, Build, Ship, these organisations create an environment that encourages collaboration, experimentation, and continuous learning. Engineers in these settings are empowered to think outside the box, take initiative, and drive innovation, ultimately contributing to the overall success and growth of the organisation.

The Impact of Project Management

The impact of expectations and company culture on project management practices is an essential aspect to consider when examining the differences between traditional and modern organisations. The approach taken in managing projects can either enable or hinder the organisation’s ability to respond effectively to change, foster innovation, and maximise the contributions of its engineering talent.

Traditional companies with a factory worker mindset often adopt project management practices that are characterised by rigidity, bureaucracy, and a strong emphasis on processes, documentation, and adherence to timelines. These practices can include detailed planning, frequent status reporting, and numerous checkpoints to ensure alignment with established goals and procedures. While such an approach may provide a sense of control and predictability, it can also act as a barrier to agility and responsiveness to change.

This rigid project management approach can result in an environment where engineers are discouraged from experimenting with new ideas or challenging established ways of doing things. As a consequence, the organisation may struggle to keep pace with rapidly evolving technologies and market dynamics, ultimately affecting its competitiveness and ability to grow.

On the other hand, modern companies that embrace a more progressive and innovative culture tend to adopt more flexible project management methodologies, such as Extreme Programming (XP) and Plan, Build, Ship (PBS). These methodologies are centered around iterative development, short feedback loops, and cross-functional collaboration, breaking away from the linear, plan-driven approach found in more traditional environments.

Extreme Programming, for instance, emphasises close collaboration between developers and customers, continuous integration, and a strong focus on producing high-quality code. This approach encourages experimentation, learning from failures, and iterating on solutions, which ultimately leads to a more resilient and innovative organisation.

Similarly, the PBS methodology promotes adaptability and rapid delivery of value by focusing on planning, building, and shipping software in short cycles. This approach allows engineers to respond more effectively to changing requirements and emerging challenges while ensuring that the product consistently meets the needs of its users.

In addition to fostering innovation, these flexible methodologies help create an environment where engineers can thrive and make a more significant impact on the organisation. Engineers are empowered to take ownership of their work, collaborate closely with other team members, and contribute to the decision-making process. This sense of autonomy and shared responsibility can lead to higher job satisfaction, improved team dynamics, and better overall performance.

Wrapping Up

The difference between traditional and modern approaches to engineering can have a profound impact on the day-to-day life, motivation, and productivity of engineers. By embracing a problem-solving mindset and fostering a culture of innovation and flexibility, companies can unlock the full potential of their engineering talent and create a more competitive, successful organisation.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve and the demand for skilled engineers grows, companies must consider how their approach to engineering affects not only their employees but also their ability to adapt and thrive in an increasingly competitive market. By prioritising problem-solving, innovation, and employee engagement, organisations can build a strong foundation for success and drive meaningful change within their industry.