Troubleshooting and Maintenance

Tips and guidance for identifying and resolving common issues with the local Kubernetes cluster and Grafana Stack deployment, as well as best practices for maintaining and updating the cluster and its components.

In this section, I will provide some general troubleshooting tips and maintenance tasks to help ensure that your local Kubernetes cluster and Grafana Stack components run smoothly.


  1. Check pod status: If you encounter issues with any Grafana Stack component or the Nginx ingress controller, start by checking the status of the pods in the corresponding namespace. Run the following command:
kubectl get pods -n <NAMESPACE>

Replace <NAMESPACE> with the appropriate namespace, such as monitoring or ingress.

  1. View logs: To inspect the logs of a particular pod, use the following command:
kubectl logs -n <NAMESPACE> <POD_NAME>

Replace <NAMESPACE> with the appropriate namespace and <POD_NAME> with the name of the pod you want to investigate.

  1. Check resources: Ensure that your local Kubernetes cluster has sufficient resources (CPU, memory, and storage) to run the Grafana Stack components and the Nginx ingress controller. You can use kubectl top to view the resource usage of your cluster:
kubectl top nodes
kubectl top pods -n <NAMESPACE>

Replace <NAMESPACE> with the appropriate namespace.

  1. Verify ingress: If you have trouble accessing Grafana, check the status of the ingress resource and ensure that the correct IP address and domain name are configured:
kubectl get ingress -n monitoring grafana


  1. Updating Helm charts: Keep the Grafana Stack components and the Nginx ingress controller up to date by periodically updating their Helm charts. First, update the Helm repository index:
helm repo update

Then, upgrade the installed charts using the following commands:

helm upgrade prometheus prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack --namespace monitoring
helm upgrade loki grafana/loki --namespace monitoring
helm upgrade tempo grafana/tempo --namespace monitoring
helm upgrade nginx-ingress ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --namespace ingress
  1. Monitoring and alerting: Configure monitoring and alerting for the Grafana Stack components and the Nginx ingress controller using Grafana dashboards and Prometheus Alertmanager. This will help you identify issues and receive notifications when problems arise.

  2. Backup and disaster recovery: Regularly back up your Grafana configuration, dashboards, and data sources to ensure that you can restore your monitoring setup in case of data loss or cluster failure.

By following these troubleshooting and maintenance best practices, you can ensure that your local Kubernetes cluster and Grafana Stack components continue to run smoothly and provide valuable insights into your cluster’s performance and health.