Home Observability Kubernetes Cluster

Home o11y cluster using k3d and the Grafana stack.


This wiki guide will walk you through the process of setting up a local Kubernetes cluster using k3d and deploying the Grafana Stack (Prometheus, Loki, Tempo, and Grafana) using Helm charts on both macOS and Linux systems. The Grafana Stack provides comprehensive monitoring, logging, and tracing capabilities, which can be easily managed and visualised through the Grafana dashboard.


A brief introduction to Kubernetes, k3d, Grafana Stack, and Helm charts, explaining their importance and relevance to the project.


A list of prerequisites and system requirements for setting up a local Kubernetes cluster and deploying the Grafana Stack using Helm charts.

Installing and Setting Up a k3d cluster

Detailed guidance on creating and managing a local Kubernetes cluster using k3d, with explanations of key concepts and commands.

Installing Helm and Setting Up Helm Repositories

Instructions for installing Helm, configuring repositories, and an introduction to Helm charts and their usage in Kubernetes deployments.

Deploying the Grafana Stack using Helm Charts

A comprehensive guide on deploying the Grafana Stack components (Prometheus, Loki, Tempo, and Grafana) using Helm charts.

Troubleshooting and Maintenance

Tips and guidance for identifying and resolving common issues with the local Kubernetes cluster and Grafana Stack deployment, as well as best practices for maintaining and updating the cluster and its components.

Conclusion and Next Steps

A summary of the project, highlighting its key features and benefits, and suggestions for further exploration and expansion.